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Application deadline is Friday, April 7, 2023

¿Lista para llevar tu emprendimiento a nuevas alturas?

Jueves, 5 de Octubre del 2023
Un evento GRATUITO y transformador diseñado exclusivamente para las mujeres con gran visión que están moldeando el panorama empresarial de Texas.
*Subject to eligibility
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Gracias a nuestro patrocinador:


¿Por qué asistir a Adelante 2023 por JUST?

El evento es ideal para ti si deseas:

Renueva Tu Visión

Desde superar obstáculos hasta abrazar tus fortalezas únicas, nuestros ponentes te inspirarán a alcanzar nuevas alturas.

Amplía Tu Red de Contactos

Conecta con una comunidad dinámica de mujeres con ideas afines que sienten la misma pasión por el emprendimiento que tú. 

Fomenta Tu Creatividad

Participa en ejercicios grupales interactivos diseñados para fomentar la colaboración, la creatividad y la resolución de problemas. 

Networking Durante el Almuerzo

Disfruta de deliciosas comidas mientras te involucras en un networking con propósito.

Celebra Tus Logros

Alimenta tus ambiciones y marcha con un renovado sentido de propósito

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Renovar tu visión va más allá de la simple repetición.

Estudiar tu visión en comunidad te brinda la oportunidad de volver a evaluar, imaginar de nuevo y a encender tu propósito.

Event Agenda*

*Agenda is subject to change.

  • Introductions

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  • "Setting a Clear Vision" Talk

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  • "Growth by Giving" Talk

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  • 45 min Networking Lunch

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  • List item

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  • List item

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Preguntas Frecuentes


¿Qué es Adelante 2023?

Adelante 2023 por JUST es un evento extraordinario diseñado exclusivamente para las mujeres ambiciosas que están moldeando el panorama empresarial de Texas.

Detalles del Evento:

Fecha: Jueves, 5 de octubre

Hora: 10 AM - 2 PM

Lugar: Centro de Conferencias TCEA en 3100 Alvin DeVane Blvd, Edificio B, Austin, TX 78741

Es tu oportunidad de formar parte de un evento notable que promete empoderamiento, intercambio de conocimientos y conexiones.

¡Te invitamos a unirte y ser parte de esta experiencia impactante!

¿Qué es JUST?

JUST invierte en mujeres con gran visión para iniciar y desarrollar sus negocios. Basados en la confianza, hemos creado una forma diferente para que las familias trabajadoras puedan avanzar personalmente como profesionalmente.

¿Por que el evento es GRATIS?

Nuestro evento se ofrece de forma gratuita este año. JUST valora la oportunidad de interactuar con nuestros clientes y presentar a nuestra comunidad cercana a través de coaching y educacion.

¿Es necesario registrarse?

El evento se ofrece de forma gratuita y tu confirmación nos ayuda a asegurarnos de que podamos prepararnos adecuadamente para el evento al organizar suficientes asientos, comida y bebidas, y cualquier otra servicio necesaria.

¿Puedo asistir solo a sesiones específicas del evento?

Aunque alentamos a los asistentes a participar en todo el evento para una experiencia completa, entendemos que esto no siempre sea posible. Estamos ansiosos por contar contigo en la capacidad que mejor te funcione.

¿Existe alguna opción de asistencia en línea?

Lamentablemente, no contamos con una opción de asistencia en línea disponible para este evento. Esperamos tenerte con nosotros en futuros eventos o actividades.

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Jueves, 5 de Octubre | 10 AM - 2 PM    

3100 Alvin DeVane Blvd, Building B, Austin, TX 78741

TCEA Conference Center

Frequently Asked Questions 

What if I can't make a payment?

The purpose of the Brillian: 2023 Savings Challenge is to support you in your financial goals. If you can't make a full payment for this challenge, no worries. All disbursements will be made on Wednesday, June 7. On that day, we will pay out, or disburse, only what you have paid for your savings goal.

Can I pay more than my weekly savings?

We love your initiative! Of course. You can make payments in excess of your weekly payment if you want to save more. Your total payments will be disbursed on Wednesday, June 7.

Can I participate in both challenges?

No, you can only participate in one - either the 8-week or the 4-week challenge.

Do I need a co-borrower?

No. If you are an existing JUST client you know that our loans are based on an important co-borrower relationship. However, this savings challenge will be offered to individuals in order to offer the opportunity to as many people as possible. We will save together as a community and encourage each other to reach our savings goals.

How can I participate?

New clients

Thank you for your interest in joining our community! To participate you only need to join through this form, in which you will receive a JUST ID number and password to enter our portal and fill out the Brilliant: 2023 Savings Challenge form. As part of the process we ask for your ID and proof of address in order to disburse your savings to your bank account or prepaid card.

Existing Customers

The process of the Savings Challenge is inside your JUST portal. Follow the "Great Savings Challenge" button where you will find the options menu to get started.

What are the eligibility requirements to participate?

New clients

The only requirement to participate in the JUST Great Savings Challenge is to complete our application which includes uploading your photo ID, proof of address and a short survey. This information is required in order to disburse your savings to a bank account or prepaid card.

Existing Customers

The only requirement to participate in the JUST Great Savings Challenge is that your JUST loans need to be up-to-date.

How and when will I receive the disbursement of savings?

Disbursements for both challenges (4 weeks and 8 weeks) will be paid out on Wednesday, June 7, one week after the last payment.

Savings will be disbursed via bank transfer (ACH) or prepaid card. We offer a physical or virtual prepaid card option. Physical cards take 7 to 10 business days to receive by mail at your address. Virtual cards are available the same day of disbursement and funds can be transferred to a bank account in your name or used to make virtual payments.

What if I don't have a bank account?

Making Payments

Payments are made through the Pay Near Me service, which accepts cash payments within 7-11 chains and other branches. There is a charge to make cash payments.

Receiving Savings

We offer the physical or virtual prepaid card service. Physical cards take 7 to 10 business days to receive by mail at your address. Virtual cards are available the same day of disbursement and funds can be transferred to a bank account in your name or used to make virtual payments.

How do I make payments?

Payments are made through the Pay Near Me service, which accepts account-to-account (ACH), debit card, and cash payments. Depending on the method of payment, there are additional charges.

Can I report my payments to the credit bureau (like the other JUST loans)?

No, the Savings Challenge product is not available to report to credit bureaus. Credit bureaus need a minimum of 3 months of payments to count towards your credit score. The duration of the JUST Great Savings Challenge is only 8 or 4 weeks and does not meet the minimum criteria.

Application deadline is Friday, April 7, 2023